Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New updates:

Been working on some infantry. I have a shitty phone camera. You miss a lot of the good stuff here, but get the idea. These look a little chalky in the photos. They dont look chalky at all in person. Oh well. They still need a lot of work but got main coloration I am looking for done. Lots of experimentation here.let me know what you think!

here are some pics!


Some oblits:

Some plague marines:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Trying out some infantry...

Im using the same method that I use on my tanks to do infantry. well I am going to try it. here we go!

Step one:

And step 2

Thats all for today. thanks for looking!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Another update. More tanks got some color!

Another shot:

Update time!

First, I was able to get 3 games in friday.

1 at 1250, 2 at 1500 (match, and rematch) Lost 2, tied that last one. Good thing was even though I got smashed, it was still a lot of fun. I am typically a WHFB guy, but I have been digging 40k so much that I haven't played a fantasy game in weeks.

Ok paint updates:

Started working on some tanks. As in all of the tanks. I have one with airbrushing basically finished, I need to go in and highlight/weather still. All the other 5 tanks have begun the process. Here are some pics:

These are the ones that I have pre shaded with some brown.

This is the tank that needs to have all the fine details and weathering completed on.

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New update! PRIMING has begun!

I finished basing most things in the army, and I primed all the tanks, plaguemarines, oblits, typhus and my herald/chaos lord.

here are the pics:

Here is the overall. I used an entire can of my 98 cent primer! /gasp!

First unit and Rhino. You can see I altered the basing on these. some have 2 tiers, some have one. Some have some sewer pipes hanging out. I used cork board and mixed gravel to make the bases.

This sneaky unit found an 8th member! for shame!

Nudder squad

Last squad, this one has an icon for show!

Typhus, herald, oblits and predators. The oblits were in bad shape when I got them, bits missing and such. I used some plastic piping to repair what I could. Good thing they are nurgle! I magnatized the preds in the back. Fancy,  I know.

Well thats the latest update. I should be getting my first game in tomorrow night! Still have to build and finish a ton of zombies/cultists. might get some done on thursday after work.

Thanks for stopping by again!

Monday, June 17, 2013

No pics, but update!

So I went shopping this weekend and procured some paint to start the process. I got some supplies and basing material to finish basing everything.

I went through and completed all the basing on my plague marines and obliterators tonight. I also re-mounted the blight drone so that it was more secure.

On deck for later this week:

1. Put together, clean, base 10 zombies
2. Clean, assemble, and complete basing for 20 cultists
3. Prime! hopefully I can prime the tanks, marines, cultists, and oblits.
4. GAME. Hopefully I get to try these bad boys out for the first time on friday night.

I should have some pic updates soon.

Friday, June 14, 2013

First real update:

First over view of what I am working with:

Over view of the army

Cultists, I have a bit more too. need to do the bases on these.

Some of the tanks.

Close op of the basing and modifications I have done on some of the plague marines.


The "peas" as my wife calls the beginning of the fully converted helldrake. I ran out of greenstuff at this point. Just picked some more up, we shall see how it goes from here!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Starting today...

Hey all, welcome to this sorry-ass blog. I am just using it to show off my attempts at painting. You see, I have only completely painted one army (and a half) in my 20+ years of war gaming. That needs to change. I figure this is a good way to shame me into it.

Anyway, I am going to try to update with my work on my Warhammer 40k Death Guard army. More posts to come. Unless they don't.